Hiya again guys....
So this week I wanna talk about THE ROAD and avoiding it.
I was driving up to west London to attend an appointment which from the SAT NAV (Satellite Navigation) was a straight forward journey. Upon getting into the area close to the office that I had the appointment, I then proceeded to spend the worst hour of my life driving around in circles going from bridges to underpasses to roundabouts, after a while I grew frustrated. When I finally made up my mind and decided that I would no longer be distracted by combination of bridges and roundabouts that sat in front of me; I remembered that everytime I was on the bridge and passed a building slotted on my left almost underneath the bridge, the SAT NAV said "You have reached your destination" which I thought was impossible as I was on a bridge. So I took a deep breath and opted to turn onto a road that I'd previously turned into but reversed out of, as it looked like it lead to a construction site. All of a sudden there it was right in front of me. I just wasn't able to see it before as I was EXPECTING the building to be in a better location and not sitting outside a construction site.
So when I look back at that journey it reminded me that sometimes God lays out a journey so perfect for us but because of our own expectations we become distracted and go looking for what we expect and not what God wants for us. In turn we get lost and frustrated thinking the world is against us. So like in the scenario I previously explained, many of us are finding our way on the road with Christ just fine but then we get to a point where the road no longer looks bright and sunny; instead it looks dull and grey and NOT what we expect; but we don't know that it's all a part of God's plan. So what do we do? We do everything to avoid going down that dull grey road not knowing that although it will be hard, it will also strengthen us because whatever we face God already knew that we'd overcome it. So the only thing we have to do is endure and have faith and that dull and grey road will turn into a bright blue sky, but don't delayed your journey by trying to avoid the road because all your going to do is go around in circles, realising in the end that you won't get anywhere unless you go down that road. You've already started the race so why not finish it.
My journey with Christ.
I call it a journey but others might call it an experience... Or both. I've been walking with Christ now for three years and I understand that not everyone is religious and this section isn't about imposing my views on people or to try and convert you by force. It is simply just to share with you the joy I felt when I was able to just simply let go and let God. This simply means I stopped trying to force life to go the way that I wanted it to go and instead I allowed God to take the lead. In church they tend to say pick up your cross and follow Christ... Now that has many meanings that I won't go into, but when you look at how Jesus was literally made to pick up his cross and walk to his own death then maybe you might start to get an understanding of how hard the journey is to walk when your called by Christ and you allow yourself to accept the calling.
So where's the joy in that? I hear you ask; this is where the phrase "Walk by faith and not by sight" comes in. This is a journey that takes great faith and even greater endurance, because if you can't wait out the storm (which can come in the form of a personal life event or just stress in our everyday lives) then you'll miss out on the blessing that ultimately brings you the JOY and it's only then you realise that this life isn't a journey you'd like to travel alone. I say that because I know many of us have been in a situation and have come out on the other side thinking "HOW DID I SURVIVE THROUGH THAT?!?" and for me I put that survival all down to Christ, because through his death we were saved. SAVED struggling by ourselves, SAVED from fighting the fight on our own and most of all SAVED from the sins of this world.
After all when they crucified Jesus they didn't realise that it was all apart of God's plan. The moment Jesus died and shedded his blood it occured to me that the power in just a drop of his blood is obviously enough to sustain me in situations that I would have never thought I would come out on the other side of but somehow I did and IF I CAN DO IT SO CAN YOU.
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